Thursday, June 17, 2021

14 Reasons You Should Visit Longwood Gardens

    I'll start out with a disclaimer that none of my pictures do this beautiful paradisiac garden any justice. On our weekend trip up to PA, my husband and I added Longwood Gardens to our trip. It's funny, because the day before, we planned on going to Primark to shop for some items we desperately needed in our closets (for cheap). The whole month leading up to it, I had referred to our trip as the "Primark" trip, completely disregarding the fact that we'd be spending the next day at Longwood. Fast forward to our post weekend discussion about what we enjoyed the most. And guess who said "Longwood Gardens... by far". Yes, this girl. So, lesson learned, enjoy each moment on a  trip. You never know which could have a lasting impact. 

    As you enjoy your trip up to Longwood, I hope you find the same delight I had while exploring the beautiful array of plants. As an east coast gal in the States, I don't get to see a lot of these often. But, how nice it is to go to a place where you can see it all at once. Let's get started in exploring the beautiful attractions that you'll definitely want to check out in-person. First up is....

1. The Orangery

    Don't be fooled by the name. This part of the gardens, which is located inside the conservatory, is filled with a colorful variety of plants. It gets it's name from the original citrus tree that was planted there around 1921. Over the years, it's been replaced with a vibrant garden of flowers. If you look above you in some areas, you'll notice the super cute bushes that follow the path around the conservatory. 

    Right in the middle of the Orangery you'll notice grassy patches. In the conservatory, it's a bit tricky to distinguish which part is which unless you read every single sign. So, for me, the grassy patches acted as an indicator that I had reached the Orangery. Depending on the season, the plants surround the grass will change. But, the grass is typically always there. 

2. Italian Water Garden

    Ever been to Italy? Well, neither have I. But, it's nice to feel like you're touring the lush fountains that are often depicted there. This is probably my favorite area in the garden! Those who know me well, know my love for all things architecturally eye-catching. I love the symmetry of each fountain and the landscaping that surrounds them. Apparently, Mr. du Pont (who created these gardens) had purposefully arranged this are to ensure that the fountains were lined up symmetrical enough so that it would be obvious from the viewing deck. He also created this garden to mimic one he often frequented in Florence, Italy.

   We discovered the Italian Garden after our expedition through Pierce's Woods and Small Lake. But, if you look behind these gardens, you'll get a glimpse of the Canopy Cathedral Treehouse. And, if you keep walking along the path, you'll find the Meadow Gardens. I love how each garden leads to the next. It really is like an expedition!

3. Wisteria Garden

    I was so happy that I got to see the Wisteria Garden. These beauties typically bloom in the beginning of May and we caught it right in time. Longwood's wisteria garden is a sight for sore eyes. I know, very cliché but true. Where do these beauties originate from? Japan! This is what makes Longwood so unique. They feature a variety of plants that you typically cannot see on the east coast of the States. 
    You can find this garden right in between the Flower Garden Walk and Flower Garden Drive. It's also right next to the Square Fountain Garden, which I'll talk about in this same blog post. If you are traveling here around the beginning of May, I highly recommend you stop by this part of Longwood.

4. Flower Garden Drive

    You might miss this part of the Garden if you were to only walk down the Flower Garden Walk and it's surrounding smaller gardens. But this hidden drive it definitely worth viewing. You'll feel like you're in a movie. My favorite stop was this archway cove that was tucked away in the corner. It's a perfect area for sitting and taking a moment to reflect on your experience. 

    Depending on where you go, this walkway will lead you towards the Large Lake or the Theatre Garden; both of which you can't go wrong with.

5. Exhibition Hall & East Conservatory 

    Every major garden needs it's conservatory right? Well , Longwood's definitely doesn't disappoint. Known as the centerpiece of conservatory, alongside the Orangery, this fountain filled section brings a calming serenity to your experience. I mean, who doesn't love the sound of water subtly rushing down a fountain?

    As you venture under vine filled archways, you'll be pleased with the colorful plants in the East Conservatory and Exhibition Hall. Filled with light and warmth, this garden will have you taking pictures of just about every plant you come across. It is also neighbor to the Acacia Passage, Garden Path, Camelia House, Green Wall, Orchid House and Silver Garden; other great spots to look at if time allows. 

6. Main Fountain Garden & Grotto

    If there's any part of the Garden's you definitely don't want to leave without seeing, it's the Main Fountain Garden. Honestly, it makes me feel like I'm on a trip oversees. It blows my mind just how beautiful it is. Filled with tons of fountains, trees and bushes, this area of Longwood is probably the largest area we had visited. You'll find it right next to the Conservatory, Topiary Garden and Cow Lot. 

    The best part about this area are the fountain performances! Yes, I said it. For a solid 12 minutes, you can enjoy an in-depth fountain performance. Watch as the fountain motions mimic the music intonations. It truly is a unique experience and it's offered multiple times during the day so if you miss one, you can catch another. The real treat is experiencing the 30-minute show at 9:15 or 8:15pm on some days. Unfortunately, we went on a Sunday and had to drive back home. But when we go back to visit, we'll definitely be adding that to our list of things to do. 

7. On-Site Dining Experience

    When I say you can make a day out of your visit to Longwood, I mean it. You really don't need to plan what you'll eat during or after your visit. Why? Because, they offer an on-site dining experience. Between the 1906 restaurant, The Café and the Beer Garden, you'll be sure to find something of your liking at The Terrace. We snagged some drinks at the Beer Garden and thoroughly enjoyed the ambiance of the string lights and much needed shade! 

    If you happened to be here on a Saturday evening, you can also enjoy some live music! I've said this before, and I'll say it again. There's nothing better than good food and good music. If you aren't a fan of eating on-site, you can also check out their website to see deals you can take advantage of at local restaurants when you visit Longwood on the same day. Click HERE to find out more.

8. Square Fountain Garden

    Though it is a small garden, it definitely makes a bold statement. The Square Fountain Garden features an array of colorful flowers surrounding a single fountain. I don't have much to say about this garden because I feel like it speaks for itself. But, I do think it's a stop you should make along your visit. 

    You can find it hidden in between the Wisteria Garden and Flower Garden Walk. 

9. Topiary Garden

    Another odd obsession of mine is beautiful topiary. I love landscape and, well, anything plant related. This garden was one that I had my eyes set on seeing from the moment we got there. This season, it featured bird sculpting and other creatures. I loved loved loved to guess what each bush was mimicking. I suggest you do the same when you get there. It adds a fun game into your visit. 

    You can find the Topiary Garden in between the Main Fountain Garden and the Cow Lot. This lovely area is a must see on your visit!

10. Birdhouse Treehouse

    This hidden section is located right behind the Peirce-du Pont House and right before you enter the Terrace. It honestly is not filled with much, but you sure do get some extra exercise in as you walk up the stairs. It's overlook is a perfect place to gaze at the trees and listen to the sounds of nature. We found that a lot of children seemed to be intrigued by this area. So, if you have kids, they might also enjoy it as well.

    Hopefully, they aren't as afraid of heights as I am and can enjoy their time up there without scurrying back down. Either way, just the sight of this mighty treehouse is one you won't want to miss.

11. Acacia Passage 

    Okay, I have to be honest. As we were in this part of the garden, I had no idea what these flowers were. Not because Longwood hadn't written it down. But, because of my lack of reading the description. But, even without knowing what it was, I was instantly drawn to it. I love to see pink flowers. So you can imagine just how thrilled I was to walk down this area. 

    As you look up, you'll also see flower bushes hanging above you. This is yet another small but mighty part of Longwood that adds more reasons to visit. You can find the Acacia Passage right next to the Orangery. Upon entering the Conservatory from the front entrance, it will be on your left hand side. Don't miss out on this small yet scenic part of the Conservatory.  

12. Cow Lot

    Yes, I also thought this was an interesting name. But, like many of the gardens here at Longwood, it's tied to history. Meaning that it's name signifies an event or object that the area might have been known for. The name Cow Lot is a reminder of the pasture that it once was. Although associated with the beautiful tree passage, the large green fields that surround it are what it is known for. It is also what you first see upon entering Longwood. 

    If you come across this area and are tempted to go to the left towards the Topiary Garden and Main Fountain Garden, I recommend saving that for the last. As someone who likes to "save the best for the last", I appreciated ending our visit with a grand fountain performance and you might too. 

13. Pierce’s Woods & Small Lake

    After visiting Flower Garden Walk, you might come across two small entryways into a forest-like area. Though we were tempted to skip it, I'm so glad we didn't. It felt like a miniature jungle adventure and we stumbled upon the coolest marble stone gazebo with iron details at the top. You won't want to miss an opportunity to snag a pic in front of this small lake. It's path is short but filled with much and leads you to the Big Lake.

    The thing I loved about this area was just how quiet it is. Longwood gets so many visitors DAILY. So to find a spot that isn't really filled with many others (such as the Italian Water Garden and Main Water Garden), was such a breath of fresh air. We spent a larger part of out day in areas like this for that reason alone. 

14. Peirce-du Pont House

    Last, but definitely not least, is the house of the original owner of Longwood Gardens. If you approach this house from the Forest Walk region, it may seem just like any other large mansion. However, upon going around towards the front of the house, we soon realized that it was also a garden. The entrance of the garden-side had wisteria flowers floating above on green shrubbery. If you happen to come during the beginning of it's peak, you'll really get to see it in full bloom as it drapes over the entryway. 

    Inside the garden area of the house, you'll find plants that a lot of us have inside our homes. From peace lilies to fig leaf, it has it all! But it doesn't stop at the garden. The house itself features a heritage exhibit with artifacts, photos and videos of the original owner and those who preserved this amazing property. If you have a chance, I suggest taking a look at it as well! 

    All in all, 

        Our trip was so wonderful! We're already planning our return trip because (believe it or not), you cannot see everything in one day. And I mean truly see it and take the moments needed to enjoy each part of Longwood. But seriously, as much as you'll be tempted to take pictures of just about everything, I highly recommend you use this experience to enjoy the wonders of nature and just be present. As always, thanks so much for reading! Comment down below your favorite part of Longwood. And if you haven't been, perhaps share a garden you enjoyed visiting. Look below to see where you can snag this style I’m wearing:

Shop the Look:

| 1. Shoes: similar found on RAIZ BOHEMIA- Buy HERE |

| 2. Dress: similar found on AMAZON- Buy HERE |

| 3. Bag: purchased at RAIZ BOHEMIA- Buy similar HERE |

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