Thursday, September 2, 2021

Must See Places in Puerto Rico & Hidden Gems

    The best part about our trip to Puerto Rico was discovering different parts of the island and even some hidden gems. Now with only 10 days, we were not able to visit them all. But, I can confidently say that we got to visit most of them. How could you not want to? Of all the places we went to, I curated my top 10 locations. I hope you find these selections useful during your trip to PR!  

1. Castillo San Felipe Del Morro/ Castillo San Cristóbal

    This very old fortress is a memorable location in Puerto Rican history. Originally used as a deterrent for those who planned on attacking the island, this large landmark still stands tall. I mean, it is pretty massive! Would would want to even approach it with that intent? But, even if the history is of no interest to you (I can relate at times), you'll still be in awe of how well made it's structure is. You'll also enjoy the MOST beautiful view from the top of the castle.
    With a $10 entrance fee, you can explore both Castillo San Felipe del Morro AND Castillo San Cristóbal (located on the Eastern side of Old San Juan). I believe children 15 years and under can enter for free. 

2. Northern Coast/ Dorado's El Único Beach

    We are a little biased to the Northern Coast because we stayed in Dorado during our entire visit. So, we were able to drive along the waterside basically every day. But even still, I'd say it's something you won't want to miss. If you are staying in San Juan and would like to drive to Rincón or Camuy, I'd say ditch the toll route and take the Northern coast down there. The drive is BEAUTIFUL and you'll see many beach spots along the way. The one pictured here is El Unico beach. 

3. Coves on the beaches

    If you drive past Manatí, you can stop by Mar Chiquita. It's a half-moon shaped natural cove that you can swim in without feeling like you'll be sucked into the ocean. It was a bit crowded when we went because it's a pretty popular spot now. But, I'd say do it. There are also huge rock formations you can climb that give you a stunning view of the ocean. I could not get over how paradisiac the oceans were. It felt like a dream! 

    Another cove in Manatí that you can visit is Cuevas de las Golondrinas near Boquillas Beach. It has many coves and even some water caves you can explore. Be careful not to visit any coves on windy days as the waves get a tad bit more aggressive. 

4. Río Camuy Cave Park

    This hidden gem is located in the Mid-West portion of the island. It's one that you'll need a tour to visit and you'll also need to plan far in advance. I'd recommend calling them to book a tour at least 3-4 weeks before your trip. Not only did we have a hard time reaching them on the phone, but the tours get booked pretty quickly too. You can find out more information by clicking HERE.

     Basically, Camuy Cave Park is an underground natural limestone cave created by Río Camuy. As you tour through the caves, you can hear the water right above you in some areas. You'll discover insects that are native to the region and learn so much more about how the caves were formed. This 2 hour tour is $18 per person and will require $4 for parking. I'd highly recommend wearing comfortable shoes and bringing lots of water!! You will be doing a whole lot of walking. 

5. Parque Nacional Isla de Cabras/ Fortín San Juan

    This National Park seems to be a favorite spot for the locals to spend more time near the water. But it’s also home of Fortín San Juan de la Cruz.  It’s one of the many forts used to protect the island. It’s right next to the water where many go fishing at. Keep in mind there’s a $4 fee to enter and park within the area and it is not a very large area to explore. However, It’s definitely a worthwhile visit!

6. El Yunque National Rain Forest

    This sole tropical rainforest within the United States territory is one you won't want to skip out on. Besides the great views, it features unique plants and wildlife as well as a beautiful natural pool that you can actually swim in. You can explore this beautiful spot on your own or find a tour that can guide you and enhance your experience. 

    If you're not too much into hiking but would love to still see this tropical rainforest, you can look into ziplining close by or within El Yunque. My husband and I booked our ziplining tour with THIS company and we really felt it was worth the experience. 

7. Faro Punta Higüeras (Lighthouse)

       If you happen to stop by Rincon, you'll want to take a peak at Faro Punta Lighthouse. This dazzling 69 ft tower overlooks the sea. When you visit during the sunset, it's absolutely stunning. Right next to it is a restaurant and Domes Beach. So you can literally have the perfect night planned all in one location. close to this lighthouse are other great restaurants in the downtown Rincon area!

8. Salinas de Cabo Rojo

    One day, during our trip, we basically drove the entire Soutwest to Northwest coast of the island. One of our stops was this beautiful pink lake formed from salt flats. It's been preserved for years and rightly so. Close by you'll find Faro de Los Morrillos lighthouse, the second lighthouse built in Puerto Rico. And a short hike from this lighthouse will lead you to Playa Sucia.

     There's a lot you can do in this area even if you're simply passing along from one place to another. However, if I had to chose one to look at, it would definitely be the salt flats. It truly is a unique natural gem that's unique to this island alone. 

9. Icacos Island

    I wish I could tell you that you can access this island by simply driving down the coast. But, you cannot. To get to Icacos, you'll need a boat of some sort. There are plenty of tours and cruises that operate with that destination in mind. But, if you have a chance to visit any of the neighboring small islands of Puerto Rico, this one might just be the easiest. 

  We took a MINI BOAT TOUR down to Icacos. It features snorkeling in the reefs close by and some time to explore the little island. I loved the broken down bridge that hangs off the edge of the island. We noticed that some climbed up on and jumped into the water from. We decided to proceed with caution and opt out of it. This island is great because the waters are so so SO beautifully clear and it's typically not too crowded (depending on the day and time you arrive). I'd say you should definitely add this to your list!

10. Museo Castillo Serralés

    Next stop is this beautiful mansion-turned-museum located in Ponce! As you venture around the island, you'll notice a popular Don Q Rum that is often advertised or used in mixed drinks. This mansion was built and lived in by the Serrallés family who also manufactured that popular rum. 

      This beautiful mansion features a backyard pool and stunning garden that you can venture during your visit. One of our favorite parts (besides the backyard garden) was visiting the butterfly nursery where we saw turtles and a lush mini waterfall. For a guided tour and access to surrounding areas (eg. Japanese Garden), it is $18 per person. Parking is located on the road, right outside of the castle gates. I recommend booking an earlier tour so that you can have an easy parking experience like we did. After your tour you'll end up at the gift shop where they sell amazing drinks; including a yummy Don Q rum Piña Colada for $5!  

    I have to admit, this was my absolute favorite stop during our trip! Its history was quite interesting but also the details in which it was built left me in awe. I can't emphasize enough how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE well-made architecture.

11. Casa  Blanca

    Last, but definitely not least is Casa Blanca! The famous White House located in Puerto Rico. If you're wondering if it's associated with the Governor.. it is. However, it is now used as a museum that displays artifacts related to the time period it was intended to be used. 

    I say "intended" because it's original tenant, Ponce De León (former Governor of Puerto Rico), had passed away before being able to occupy it. This stunning mansion has a beautiful view of Puerta de San Juan and sits very close to Casa Rosa. You might find some cats roaming around, but that's normal in Puerto Rico. However, you'll also find beautiful gardens surrounding the house. It is free to walk around the property, however it is $5 to enter the building and explore the museum. If you finish touring Castillo San Felipe Del Morro, you should definitely check out this beauty!

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